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Sample Philosophy Plan

Check out this Year 3/4 plan based on exploring what morality is and how we can talk about rules logically. This is an introduction to Aristotelian logic. 


For more information on the assessment of philosophy click on the Age Related Expectations button on the Home page. 


Further plans are available to course attendees.

Overview of plans available for Course attendees

Plans : Welcome
EYFS Lessons - Optional use of Socrates Doll

Socratic Method: Plan, script - question sorting and introducing 'Big Questions'

What is 'real'? Plan - thinking about where knowledge comes from and whether we can tell if something is real or not. Discusses personhood. 

Years 1 and 2 Lessons

What's the Big Idea? Plan - an introduction to philosophy and some of the big ideas it delves into. 

How Did the Universe Come to Be? A discussion based unit about creation and the idea of God. 

Year 3 Lesson

What is the Difference Between Knowing and Believing? Plan - a look at observation, faith and miracles. 

Year 4 Lesson

Morality: How do People Make Moral Decisions? Plan - a look at how people justify moral decisions with logical arguments.  

Year 5 Lessons

Utilitarianism Parts I & II - Plans, Presentation, Scenario Cards - a look at Bentham and Mill's system for moral decision making.  

Ontology: Plan, Presentation - A look at the Ontological arguments for the existence of God and its problems. 

Year 6 Lesson

Plato's Cave:  Plan - A look at the role of the philosopher in society and the idea of knowledge through revelation. 

Primary Range Home/School Lesson 1

The Purpose of Things:  Plan - A discussion based enquiry into the purpose of everyday things. It examines the 'why' of objects, both made and naturally occurring. An introduction to teleology. 

Primary Range Home/School Lesson 2

Of Superheroes and Miracles:  Plan and Presentation - A discussion based enquiry into the origins of the idea of the 'superhero'. Encompassing believability, scepticism, Hume and his views on miracles. 

Primary Range Home/School Lesson 3

Morality with a Buddhist Focus: Plan - A discussion based enquiry looking at morality and the externalised, spiritual drives behind it. Encompassing non-spiritual reasons of morality, inviting discussion about internal morality as well as a starting point to study belief in karma. 

Primary Range Home/School Lesson 4

Knowing VS Believing Part 1:  Plan - A discussion based enquiry looking at the difference between 'Knowing' and 'believing'. Part 1 covers magic tricks and the senses as a source of 'fact'. It asks whether scientists need a little belief in their line of work too. Introduces concepts such as dark matter.

Primary Range Home/School Lesson 5

Knowing VS. Believing Part 2:  Plan and Presentation - A discussion using Flew's The Invisible Garden Parable. How do we know things? Is there a battle going on between science and belief? Do scientists believe? An introduction to the Falsification Principle. 

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